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Welcome to my portfolio!

Here, you’ll find a snapshot of my work. Feel free to browse my past projects and successes below.

Digital Marketing Plan

Email Marketing Strategy for a Nonprofit

As a Digital Marketing Specialist, I have established a targeted email marketing strategy that utilizes Blackbaud and HubSpot to send personalized, targeted emails to donors, partners, and prospects.

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Email Marketing 

Examples of Content Creation

As a professional Email Marketer, I have curated 80+ emails in HubSpot for various targeted segments such as active donors, lapsed donors, international partners, and prospects, resulting in 544 new donors, 64 re-engaged donors, and an additional $304K in donations.

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Print Material

Examples of Content Creation

In addition to digital content, I have also created various print material that has been shared through donor cultivation events, mailings, and via Atlanta parishes. 



Marketing Proposals for Clientele

While working toward my BBA in Marketing, I had incredible opportunities to create various Marketing proposals that included the defined goals and objectives, audience segmentations, competitor analyses, campaign messaging and content creation, implementation plans, an editorial calendar, budgets, and expected returns.

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Art & Social Media

Drawing, Painting, and Encouragement

Whether I am drawing, painting, decorating a room, curating a playlist, building an outfit, or even doing my makeup - I have a deep appreciation for self-expression. Art, in all its forms, has been a beautiful medium for me to share parts of myself with the world while learning about others. ​

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Digital Marketing Plan
Email Marketing
Print Material
Art & Social Media

James, Executive Director

"Michelle has amazing insight that goes beyond her Digital Marketing role. I am so thankful that she is a leader on our team."

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